Jaap Haartsen's Biography
Jaap Haartsen was born on February 13th of 1963 in Netherlands, The Hague. In 1986 he got his master of science in electronical engeneer . He made some practices and works at Philips and Siemens but after he continued studying and in 1990 he obtained a PhD from TU Delft (Both certificates with honors) After he went to work at Ericsson and there he created the Bloototh making many thing very easy like less cables. He is steel alive.
The Bluetooth
Jaap Haartsen, after his studies went to work to Ericcsson and there he created the known and useful Blootooth. With this amazing invention many things that had cables became wireless and connections between computers and cellphones, chellphones to cellphones and others became possible. Whith this invention many things became easier.
Is bluetooth useful or isn't it
Bluetooth, the invention of Jaap Haartsen is useful and at the same time it isn't. Can you imagine the world without bluetooth? I do, i would be exacly equal as in this moment. This invention is more unuseful than useful so the only thing it does is making many things wireless. Years ago many cables connected a computer to a cellphone or cellphone to cellphone ant it was a mixture of cables that was very difficult to separate. In the modern times almost all the computers, cellphones and some cars have bluetooth which allow us to make calls without using a cellphone, to pass information to one side to another without cables. Also the bluetooth is used for some computer mouse and controls of the X-Box and other games.
Very good blog, you should try to tell how bluetooth is used in every day situation. I use bluetooth daily for my PC mouse and video game console controller and wireless microphone.
ResponderEliminarThanks Lucas, i will post that information.
EliminarSame Dog. Jaap was amazing
EliminarI don't understand your point. Bluetooth was a gateway to many other discoveries. Also, work on spelling and grammar.
EliminarI have to agree with the Unknown user. This blog is almost going against Bluetooth (BTW it's not 'the bluetooth/ bloototh) Bluetooth changed so many things. It is so significant that Jaap Haartsen was nominated to be part of the Inventors Hall of Fame. Bluetooth may not be significant for you but this blog is not about you. It is about Jaap Haarten and the overall idea and effect of his invention. So now knowing all this new information do you think Bluetooth is useful?
ResponderEliminarBluetooth was a great technology in its Era. Today we are living in a modern world and many things changed with the passege of time and now we use those technologies which are more faster than Bluetooth.
ResponderEliminaroma errors bana
Eliminarblah blablah blah blah.........
ResponderEliminaroma bluetooth but is more bana!
ResponderEliminarLong live Jaap
I see you
ResponderEliminarI hear you
I feel you
Guess it's a stalemate.
-Your secret admirer